Thursday, December 10, 2009

Meeting the Twins

It is late Thursday morning, I have been intermittently working on putting this blog together and tag teaming with Mado to care for the twins. I got a good nights sleep last night thanks to Mama Josephine and Kendra. Kendra stayed up late with the kids and has been sleeping most of the morning.

I am torn between wanting to write something reflective and simply reporting. I believe this blog will consist mostly of reports and I will work on another that has more or less to say depending on your interests.

We arrived soon after noon local time and had an easy time at the airport finding our guide who ushered us through the system to my father who was also accompanied by Mato Fumunjuya who will be hanging around with Kendra and I as we get adjusted.
The Loma's. These wonderful people have been caring for Likabo and Kitoko over the past few weeks. Except for a brief stop at my parents house, we went straight to the Loma's home upon our arrival.
Mama Josephine met us with great big hugs and took us into the house where Kendra and I finally came face to face with beautiful Amari and Desmond.
We stayed for a brief visit at the Loma's and then Kendra carried Amari and I carried Desmond all the way home. Thankfully, Josephine came with us, but despite being quite tired, we spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening holding, feeding, and generally becoming a little bit familiar with each other at my parents house. We got to talk (and see) grandma Suzanne, Sharon, and grandpa Kermit over skype.


  1. David - I've been showing off your pictures. We were able to look at them at small group last night, and I also showed a few to your sociology class this morning. You have gotten a very appropriate amount of oohs and aaahs. This is so unreal for those of us in frigid Michiana...unreal, yet slowly becoming more real. So much love to you four! Aunt Suzanne

  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY - this is so beautiful. thanks for posting. looking forward to your posts - reporting or reflective. wonderful to hear. love you ALL!

  3. David, we are interested in everything and anything you have to say. The pictures are just beautiful. Those babies fit just perfectly in your and Kendra's arms. Hope you are able to get enough sleep. Can't get enough of those pictures. Chris and Gary

  4. Early this morning as I was meditating some of these pictures came into my mind. Then I got to work and there was the blog link from Grandma Suzanne, and the pictures were virtually what I had seen internally. So beautiful!


  5. Kendra and David-Your pictures and words brought tears of joy to me. It is so wonderful to see the look of pure joy on familiar faces, and the look of pure contentment on new little faces. Congratulations to all four of you! Our hearts are singing with yours!

  6. I am so thrilled! They are beautiful!

  7. Sitting here with tears of joy running down my face. They are beautiful. You guys are beautiful. Big hugs from Kansas! Can't wait to show these to the family!!

  8. we are so excited for you and cannot wait to meet our new neighbors! mira and scarlett are oohing and ahhing over the pictures and are definitely looking forward to seeing their new playmates in person. the babies are so beautiful (and so is desmond tutu by default)! congratulations to you and your new little family!!! xoxo, jeremiah and stef

  9. K & D, Sharon has been keeping us posted about your new family!! We are SO HAPPY for you all and can't wait to meet the babes. We found some great books and have put them in Aunti Sharon's hands to share when she gets to babysit for you; can't imagine you'll let ANYONE have them for quite some time. Best to you, be safe. Love Pig n Ancy

  10. Just brings me so much joy to see these two your loving arms : ) I would always tell them their mamma and pappa could not wait to come and hold them. It is so great to see these two looking so healthy! How much do they weigh now? Mama Josephine did a wonderful job with them, as always. Your new beautiful family is in my heart and prayers.

  11. Wow, congratulations! Your babies are so beautiful. What a wonderful journey. We live in Phoenix, AZ. Our son Joseph and daughter Solange came home from DRC (via Jilma & Our Family Adoptions) in April of last year. My husband says that Pastor Loma was so amazing and his lovely wife and family were such incredible people to meet. Looking forward to following your family in this wonderful time. Best wishes!

